Corporate Governance
Code of Conduct
The Company recognises the need for Directors and employees to observe the highest standards of behaviour and business ethics when engaging in corporate activity.
The Company intends to maintain a reputation for integrity. The Board has adopted a Code of Ethics which sets out the principles and standards with which all officers and employees are expected to comply in the performance of their respective functions.
A key element of that Code is the requirement that officers and employees act in accordance with the law and with the highest standards of propriety. The Code and its implementation are to be reviewed each year.
Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
The Anti‐Bribery and Corruption Policy supplements the Code of Conduct by setting out the conduct expected by the Company to minimise the risk of bribery or corruption occurring in connection with its operations and activities and also provides guidance on how to deal with instances of bribery or corruption.
Policy on Continuous Disclosure
The Continuous Disclosure Policy sets out how Directors and employees shall deal with potentially price-sensitive information to ensure that the Company complies with its continuous disclosure obligations which require the Company to immediately notify the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) of any such information.
Securities Trading Policy
In accordance with ASX Listing Rule 12.9 introduced on 1 January 2011, Peak Minerals has a Securities Trading Policy in place.
Risk Management Policy
The exploration for and the development of mineral deposits, and the processing of the material from such deposits to extract saleable minerals are speculative activities that involve a high degree of financial risk.
The Board has identified the significant areas of potential business and legal risk for the Company. The Board reviews and approves the parameters under which such risks will be managed.
Shareholders Communication Policy
The Shareholders Communication Policy outlines the aims and channels of the company's communication strategy and methods.
Diversity Policy
The Diversity Policy outlines the aims of the company in employing the best qualified people to achieve its objectives. Developing a diversified workforce within the limitations of the scope of the company's operations is a key component to achieving the company's aims.
Whisteblower Policy
The Company is committed to the highest standards of conduct and ethical behaviour in all of our business activities, and to promoting and supporting a culture of honest and ethical behaviour, corporate compliance and good corporate governance.
Board Charter
The Board has the responsibility for ensuring the Company is properly managed so as to protect and enhance shareholders' interests in a manner which is consistent with the Company's responsibilities to all parties with which the Company interacts. The Board encourages Executive and Non-Executive Directors to own shares in the Company.
Corporate Governance Statement
Statement of Values
Committees of the Board
It is the Board's policy that committees of the Board should:
be chaired by a Non-Executive Director
have sufficient Non-Executive Directors so that the Committees are sufficiently independent of management
be entitled to obtain independent professional or other advice at the cost of the Company, unless the Board determines otherwise
be entitled to obtain such resources and information from the Company, including direct access to employees of and advisers to the Company, as they may require
operate in accordance with terms of reference established by the Board.
All committees operate principally in a review or advisory capacity.
Audit Committee
The objectives of the Audit Committee are to:
assist the Board in the discharge of its responsibilities in respect of the preparation of the Company's financial statements and the Company's internal controls
recommend to the Board, nominees for appointment as external auditor
review the performance of the external auditor
provide a line of communication between the Board and the external auditor
examine the external auditor's evaluation of internal controls and Management's response.
Remuneration and Nomination Committee
The objectives of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee are to determine the:
terms and conditions relating to the appointment and retirement of the Managing Director, and the Non-Executive Directors;
remuneration policies and practices for the Company including participation in the incentive plan, share scheme and other benefits; and
superannuation arrangements
assess the performance of the Board and each Director
assess the appropriateness of the current structure of the Board
if appropriate, recruit Directors for the Board
ensure that Directors are aware of their responsibilities.