Green Rocks

Green Rocks - Western Australia

Project Overview

The Green Rocks Project is located approximately 35km to the southeast of Meekatharra and covers 234km². The tenure is a combination of 100% held ground and 2 joint ventures with Taruga Minerals (E51/1832) and Technology Metals Australia (E51/1818).


Green Rocks Tenement Package



The Lady Alma Igneous Complex (LAIC) underlies the project and has intruded into the Norrie Greenstone belt.  The LAIC is part of the Meeline Intrusive Suite which also hosts the Windimurra, Barrambie and Youanmi Igneous Complexes which host various styles of magmatic nickel, PGE, copper and Ti-V-Fe mineralisation.  The Meeline Intrusive Suite has been subsequently structurally dismembered (Ivanic, et al., 2010).


Green Rocks Project Geology


Within the Green Rocks Project the LAIC is interpreted to consist of a main dunitic zone with magnetite veining and/or bands.  This zone has been subsequently intruded by discrete intrusive bodies consisting of mafic-ultramafic lithologies ranging from gabbro to peridotite.


Green Rocks Project Schematic Section



Mineralisation consists of both hydrothermal and magmatic sulphide.  The hydrothermal mineralisation is controlled by a north-northwest trending shear zone and is defined by alteration halos around veining predominantly consisting of biotite. 


Green Rocks Project Mineralisation


Magmatic sulphide mineralisation is controlled by the intrusive lithologies of the LAIC.  Hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation overprints the LAIC along zones of structural weakness.  Copper mineralisation within the LAIC is primarily chalcopyrite with pyrrhotite and lesser pyrite.  

Near surface, malachite and azurite are present, often with carbonate and zones of gold.  As depth increases, carbonate associated with veining disappears and veins are comprised of sulphide only.  At Lady Alma, a sulphide gossan is present.

Green Rocks Project Sulphide in Drill Core


The project has defined multiple target areas with the potential to host magmatic sulphide mineralisation:   

Copper Hills is defined by a 600m strike of disseminated mineralisation with zones of chalcopyrite veining in an interpreted contact shear zone of an intrusive gabbro.

Lady Alma mineralisation is hosted in a gabbro to peridotite and is comprised of fine-grained disseminated sulphide with chalcopyrite veins increasing in width at depth.   

Rixon project is defined by 485m x 250m intrusion that is surrounded gossan with malachite mineralisation.  The mineralisation is hosted in a fine grained ultramafic that intrudes into a dunite with magnetite veining.


Lada Alma and Rixon Schematic Section


Tal Val is located on the edge of the intrusive granite and is interpreted as a 750m circular feature which has intruded into the LAIC.  Historic drilling by Anglo American in the 1970s intersected ultramafic and cross cutting intrusives with associated anomalous nickel and copper.

Target B is an interpreted 500m circular feature with historic shallow drilling with anomalous copper and gold mineralisation associated with gabbro.